15 Nov

Thru-hiking can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it requires thorough planning and preparation. According to Steven Rindner, setting aside ample planning time is essential for a successful thru-hike. He recommends dedicating more time to planning than to actual hiking.

The planning process can be an exciting part of the journey. It allows for proper gear selection and conditioning, as well as route planning and logistics. Aspiring thru-hikers can set themselves up for a safe and fulfilling adventure by embracing thorough planning and preparation.

Key areas of planning include the following, all of which will require substantial research:


Where and when to start and finish: Weather is a significant factor.
Permits: These include campfire permits, trail permits, border permits, backcountry camping permits, and more. Regulations change often, and some trails have entrance quotas that can present challenges. You won't necessarily need many permits, but some require applying weeks or months in advance.


Transportation: In addition to arranging planes, cars, or trains to get you to the region, you also need to check out some shuttle options around trailheads, says Steven Rindner.

Mileage: This will vary, but you still need to know how many miles per day you plan to hike so that you can project when you'll finish.

Resupply stops: Places where you can rest and resupply can be few and far between, so you must carefully plan those days.

Contingencies: Trail closures, bad weather, and injuries can ruin your initial plan, so look for some alternative routes ahead of time.


 Food and Water

Food is a complex planning challenge, says Steven Rindner. You'll have to balance your need for calories, flavor, and convenience against the urgency to keep your backpack light. Preplan the entire trip by mailing each section's food stash beforehand. Steven Rindner suggests buying at least some of each section's food stash at resupply towns so you can satisfy your cravings.

Water needs should not be overlooked. In desert sections, having access to water can be a matter of life and death. During the summer, some stretches can also lack water sources. In areas where water is abundant, you'll still need to be sure that your water isn't contaminated. Figuring out the gear you'll use to treat and carry water must be a big part of your thru-hike plan.

Read more about the numerous benefits and challenges of thru-hiking when you follow this Steven Rindner blog.

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